PRE Yoga Teacher Training
Fredag, 6 december • 10:00 - 17:00
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This One day training is for students who want to experience what to expect in the Yoga Teacher Training and for students who want to learn the basics of Yoga Science.

What will you learn during this day:
- Dynamic asana practice
- The role of a Yoga Teacher
- What is yoga and what are important yoga texts
- The basic principles of the most important yoga styles
- Phases of yoga - 8 Limbs of Yoga
- Basic postures explained in directions, variations and benefits.
- Subtle phases of yoga and pranayama
- Meditation and yoga philosophy

During this day you will be guided by Satya Simran, the lead teacher and assistant teachers of Yogic Life Academy. Satya Simran is an Experienced Registered Yoga Teacher at Yoga Alliance (E-RYT500).

Training Fee €100 incl lunch.

When you join our Yoga Teacher Training the fee of this training day will be refunded.