Yin Flow + Stretch Therapy
Tisdag, 20 februari • 7:30 em - 8:30 em
Russell Lea, Church Hall
Yogaruka Studio
Phenomenal for quieting the mind and body while promoting self-knowledge, endurance and flexibility. Yin yoga postures, which appear as modifications of traditional asanas, apply moderate stress to the connective tissue (tendons, ligaments, fascia) in order to improve blood flow and nutrient provision to the joints. A meditative approach to asana, yin yoga is however about more than cultivating inner silence. Incorporating these methodologies in your regular yoga practice will truly change your body for the better. Rua' yin flow series draws from Paulie Zink's yin and yang practice which includes the full range of Taoist yoga, and combines it with elements of Stretch Therapy for effective motor cortex remapping.

It’s highly recommended to wear multi-layered clothing to keep the joints warm since movement here is spaced and subtle.