Aleksandra Arenina

In 2021 heeft Aleksandra een switch gemaakt in haar leven en heeft ze de overstap gemaakt naar het lesgeven in yoga. Ze heeft een Hatha Yoga achtergrond.

"I'm a Hatha Yoga teacher (PIYF 300 hours certification) with an MBA executive degree.

I spent 13 years in an office job building my career in different countries and as a result I know everything about back pain ;-)
In 2021 I made a sharp pivot in my life and switched my corporate career to yoga teaching. I found my mission in helping all people, without exception, of any physiological ability, to reach their best physical and mental health condition".

Prossime lezioni

Mercoledì, 22 maggio 19:30
Slow Vinyasa*

Raadhuisstraat 14

Giovedì, 23 maggio 19:15
Easy Flow Studio*

Raadhuistraat 14

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Questo insegnante non ha caricato ancora nessun video.

Altri insegnanti a Yogastudio Aalst Waalre