Mandag, 6 januar • 5:00 PM - 6:15 PM
St Mary's Church Hall, The Avenue, Worcester Park, KT4 7HL
Tanya Greig
Highly experienced teacher in somatic movement, Yoga, dance and expression. Tanya encourages you to "work with what you've got", will guide you to feel your way into safe movement & postures, finding expansion, space and hopefully a little more physical freedom in your body, and peace in your heart and mind. You will be challenged, definitely, you'll also get to rest, recover, laugh and smile. Her embodied approach will leave you to feeling great about yourself, and discover your fabulousflow! With an incredible experiential understanding of biomechanics, she uses her skill as a movement reader, to bring out the best in students, giving them examples to imagine, corrections that work and the confidence to fall or fly!
Individual Yoga tuition. Tailored for you, in a private setting.

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Private classes area a great way to learn, about yoga, about your body and your breath. An opportunity to build your practice, your knowledge by asking question, receiving hands on adjustments and flowing through a class that is 100% about you.
There is not perfect time to try a private class, it could be your first class, to build confidence before you try a group class. It could be after practicing for a month, or even after years of practice.

Whatever your reasons, talk to Tanya about having her create a class that is tailored specifically to you, your body, your needs and goals!

Book a starter series of 3 or 4 x weekly Yoga Sessions at a regular time slot.
The first session will be up to 75 minutes
Subsequent sessions will last 60 minutes

Tailored with your goals in mind & personalised treatment.

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Other appointment days & times available, upon direct request.

Vouchers are available to purchase as a gift

3 sessions £189 (valid 6 weeks)
4 sessions £249 (valid 8 weeks)