ONLINE - Heartmedicine Heartbeat serie
Onsdag, 8 februar • 09:45 - 11:00
Jup Jansonius
Gabrielle Roth 5rhythms certified waves/heartbeat teacher/god, sex & the body teacher in training yin yoga teacher, pregnancy yoga teacher & DJ Dans is mijn levenselixer en al 30 jaar mijn grootste bron van inspiratie. Het houdt me fit en mentaal gezond en brengt me van het dagelijkse in contact met het mystieke. De plek waar alles in harmonie is met elkaar.
Healing your heart by dancing 5rhythms heartbeat

A deep journey into the messages of our emotions and feelings
from the comfort of your own home

You can choose one class a week:
Wednesday morning 9:45-11:00
(Jup Jansonius)
Tuesday evening 19:30-21:00
(Mirjam van Hasselt)
5 weeks, every week a different emotion.

If you sign up for the whole series, you'll receive acces to the sound recording of the series, so you can catch up the missed classes.

Jup Jansonius & Mirjam van Hasselt
both accredited 5Rhythms teachers on waves and heartbeat level

€ 67,50 (one class a week)
€87,50 (two classes a week)

Single class €15

These hours count towards the teacher training once taken as a series