ONLINE - Dance your Heart out - 5Rhythms Heartbeat series
Woensdag, 28 september • 09:45 - 11:00
Online, thuis
Jup Jansonius
Gabrielle Roth 5rhythms certified waves/heartbeat teacher/god, sex & the body teacher in training yin yoga teacher, pregnancy yoga teacher & DJ Dans is mijn levenselixer en al 30 jaar mijn grootste bron van inspiratie. Het houdt me fit en mentaal gezond en brengt me van het dagelijkse in contact met het mystieke. De plek waar alles in harmonie is met elkaar.
DANCE YOUR HEART OUT – Online Heartbeat ongoing
“ Discover the power of loving”
Dancing with your emotions will give you freedom in your emotional landscape.

Welcome to Gabrielle Roth's 5Rhythms - Heartbeat map
A rich “map” full of insights and transformative power.
Our emotions are “driving us” most of the time.
We try to control them so much by that they’ll take control over us.
Or we’re so easily overwhelmed that they’re in control anyhow.

If we want to gain more freedom in how our feelings are driving us: We need to get to know our emotional landscape.
We need to discover how to be fluid and loving with our emotions.
Dancing with our emotions is an entrance into the landscape of the energy behind our emotions. It will teach us the ability to stay grounded in times of turmoil.
Through dance we embody our emotions in a playful and transformative way.

Classes are taught alternating by Mirjam van Hasselt & Jup Jansonius.
Experienced and accredited 5Rhythms teachers on waves and heartbeat level.