Yoga Basics with Paula K
Friday, March 24 • 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
Paula Furlan Kimball
Paula is a 200-hour yoga teacher through Yoga Alliance having been a student of yoga since 2008. She was born and raised in Canada and moved to Boston in 1988 to work in clinical and research pathology labs. She moved to Texas in 1997; earned her master’s degree; and then married and started a family. Paula has taught biomedical sciences at both the high school and college level. Now with an empty nest (although her golden retrievers, Violet and Poppy would disagree), she is excited to explore this new chapter of her life teaching yoga in the community. Class - Thursday at 9:00am
This class will focus on fundamental poses with an emphasis on alignment and modifications. Practice will include simple breathing and relaxation techniques.
Designed for ALL Levels of experience.
Bring your mat, blocks, blanket, and strap.
there must be 2 students for the class to make.