Vinyasa Yoga Level I & II with Sarah
Wednesday, 6 July • 20:15 - 21:15
Island Yoga Teacher
Calling all regular practitioners for a complete yoga workout. This class blends the mind-body awareness of yoga with muscle-toning movement. Each class will work on various yoga poses to build lean muscle, stability, and strength in your body. You will target: arms, legs, booty, and core. Your strongest body starts here.

Wear: Comfortable sports clothing
Equipment: Yoga mats & other props provided
Please bring a towel

Studio door closes 5min BEFORE the class. Late arrivals will not be allowed to join the class.

You can book your class online up to 1 hour before the class begins;
if you are trying to book the class less than 1 hour before, please call us or message us on fb/insta.