Beginner Workshop (Jan. 2)
Samedi, janvier 2 • 9:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Rachel Finney
Rachel (CYT 500) began practicing yoga in 2014 at Brick House Yoga in Sulphur Springs. She was training for a half-marathon at the time and wanted to use yoga to prevent injury and aid in stress relief to reduce migraine headaches. While a yoga practice was perfect for both of these goals, she found so much more on the mat. Without a doubt, the yoga mat is the first place she has ever experienced complete non-judgment. It is where she learned self-acceptance, presence and stillness--and it is where she started a journey of self-discovery that continues today. In short, yoga changed her life. She holds additional certification in Restorative, Yin and Trauma Informed Yoga and has a special interest in teaching body-positive classes and classes geared for beginners.
Saturday, January 2, 9:30 am-12:30 pm, Led by Rachel
Though yoga has many benefits, beginning a yoga practice may be intimidating to some people for a variety of reasons. As you begin your yoga practice, always remember that the mat is a place of self-acceptance and non-judgment. The goal is to be where you are in the present moment because yoga will meet you there EVERY TIME. The beauty of yoga is that you can take exactly what you need from your practice. Our first goal is to learn how to feel at home on the mat and to feel comfortable “being” instead of “doing.” Yoga is a beautiful lifelong practice of self-discovery, and we will address ways to take yoga off the mat, into our lives, and into the world.
In this workshop we will learn about:
 why yoga is practiced [physical practice: balance, flexibility, strength, stress reduction, injury prevention, lower blood pressure, headache management, improved sleep, etc,]
 why there are misconceptions about what yoga is + who practices yoga
 why yoga + meditation are beneficial to the mind, body, and spirit
 the common phrases + symbols of yoga [namaste, om]
 why the breath is important + breathing techniques
 the eight limbs of yoga [restraints, observances, postures, breath control, sense withdrawal, concentration, meditation, bliss]
 the most common yoga poses included in most classes + pose variations for the beginner yogi
 the different kinds of classes we offer at One Soul Yoga and Wellness Center

Early bird price through 12/15: $40/person
After 12/15 and day of/walk ins: $50/person