2/6: Calming for the Heart Sound Bath | 1:00 pm EST/10:00 am PST Online

February 6, 2023 • 12:00 pm - 12:30 pm
YouTube Private Link
Deb Phelps
Deb is a certified Mindfulness/Meditation Teacher and Practitioner since 1980. She is a Mindfulness Coach & Sound Healing Facilitator. Learn more at debphelps.com Online & Madison Classes Available.


2/6 - Calming for the Heart is our theme. This is a 56 minute session recorded on Saturday at the studio. Our sound bath leads us to the center of our heart. This is the place where love and spirit are joined. Let the sound and vibrations take you there.

This online version has been switched from Wednesdays to Mondays to eliminate the sounds of the upstairs business since I record the session.

This is a shorter lunchtime session, yet still powerful for resetting and raising your vibrations. Come and allow yourself to be soothed and deeply rested.

After the session, the video will be edited for the library.
Fee: $10 or Membership

Time Listed is (CST) Central Time Zone (Chicago). See https://timezoneconversion.org to convert to your Time Zone.