MADISON Labyrinth Walking Meditation w/Sound Healing & Sound Bath (Morning Session)
Saturday, May 6 • 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
Peaceful Wellness Madison Studio
Deb Phelps
Deb is a certified Mindfulness/Meditation Teacher and Practitioner since 1980. She is a Mindfulness Coach & Sound Healing Facilitator. Learn more at Online & Madison Classes Available.
As you walk along the heart-shaped, candle-lit labyrinth, you will encounter several points where small singing bowls and other sound items are placed for you to create soothing chimes and sounds. There are also meditation cards with each singing bowl that you can use to gong the bowl as you follow the instructions to receive a positive affirmation. After the walk, you can sit or lie down to experience a sound bath by Deb as it accompanies you for further meditation.

All attendees, regardless of which session they choose to participate in, will be given a personal labyrinth card to take home for their own use. In addition, all participants throughout the day will be included in a draw to win a wooden finger labyrinth.