Open-Hearted Living Day-Long Meditation Retreat (Online)
En ligne
Samedi, novembre 20 • 9:30 AM - 4:30 PM
Heather Fenton
Spend the day with us in quiet contemplation.
We will use mindfulness to investigate the nature of our experience: our day will include periods of mindful movement (yoga), seated and walking meditation, eating meditation (lunch), rest, instructions for practice (dharma), Q&A and discussion. We will practice silence in the supportive company of others. This retreat is suitable for new and experienced meditators.

“Open-Hearted Living” will be an opportunity to immerse ourselves in the practice of lovingkindness (metta) and to investigate our resistance to living fully with an open heart.

with Heather Fenton and Jacqueline Gilbey
Saturday, October 16, 2021

$65* (inc HST)

* Your $65 registration fee covers the administrative and operating costs of the retreat. In the tradition of the Buddha, the teachers will offer instruction (dharma) freely and will be accepting donations (dana). If the registration fee is beyond your financial means, please contact the studio to ask about scholarship opportunities.