Coming to Rest: Meditation Day Retreat (Online)
Lördag, maj 28 • 9:00 fm - 3:00 em
Heather Fenton
Spend the day with us in quiet contemplation as we investigate—with curiosity and compassion—the reactive habits, confusion and limiting beliefs that interfere with our experiencing mental freedom, well-being and ease.

We will use mindfulness to investigate the nature of our experience: our day will include periods of gentle mindful movement, seated and walking meditation, eating meditation (lunch*), rest, instructions for practice (dharma), Q&A and discussion. We will practice silence in the supportive company of others.

“Coming to Rest” will be an opportunity to investigate the ways in which we become stuck in cycles of 'doing.' When we can relax our fixation with constant productivity and external validation, we can open ourselves to a natural way of 'being.'

This retreat is designed as a ‘day-long intensive’ to complement the weekly meditation classes here at Stream. However, you do not have to have attended these classes to come and enjoy the retreat. This retreat is suitable for new and experienced meditators.

$45** (inc HST) In-Person or Online

* Please bring your own 'brown bag' lunch of fresh, simple foods. At this time, we have no means to refrigerate or heat food. There will be some snacks/refreshments available, but as a part of your day we ask that you lovingly prepare a light lunch for yourself to bring and enjoy.
** Your $45 registration fee covers the administrative and operating costs of the retreat. In the tradition of the Buddha, the teacher will offer instruction (dharma) freely and will be accepting donations.The practice of giving (dana) in this way happens on the side of the teacher when they share the teachings and their experience, and happens on the side of the student when they support the teacher, in accordance with their means. This practice also allows us to offer the retreat at an accessible cost. If the registration fee is still beyond your means, please let us know and we will do our best to arrange a scholarship.