Stepping into Your Truth Retreat
Sábado, agosto 20 • 10:00 AM - 9:00 PM
Heather Fenton
As we enter the height of summer and the crops in the field come to ripening, we will gather to connect with our inner ripening as spiritual beings.

So much of the path of awakening involves letting go of old patterns. On this daylong retreat we will look to what is already here, ripe to celebrate and enjoy: our natural goodness, our ability to be content and live with ease, and the truth of our being free, awake and alive in this moment.

This daylong retreat will blend:
Mindful Yoga Asana with
BreathWave Conscious Connected Breathing, and
Insight Meditation (vipassana) teachings and practices.

The day will include periods of noble silence and periods of discussion, conversation and live music. Longer than previous day retreats at Stream, the retreat will last from 10am until 9pm, at which time there will be an opportunity to linger and rest by the bonfire as the sun sets.

$170* (inc HST) In-Person Only

* We will be serving light refreshments such as fruits, nuts and veggies. Please round this out for yourself by packing a 'brown bag' of fresh, simple foods to enjoy during lunch and dinner periods.

Your $170 registration fee covers the administrative and operating costs of the retreat. In the tradition of the Buddha, the teachers will offer instruction (dharma) freely and will be accepting donations.The practice of giving (dana) in this way happens on the side of the teacher when they share the teachings and their experience, and happens on the side of the student when they support the teacher, in accordance with their means.

If the registration fee is beyond your means, please let us know. We can offer payment instalments and may be able to arrange a scholarship.