Resting in Stillness Half-Day Meditation Retreat
Domingo, febrero 5 • 9:30 a. m. - 12:30 p. m.
Heather Fenton
Spend the morning with us in quiet contemplation as we investigate—with curiosity and compassion—the reactive habits, confusion and limiting beliefs that interfere with our experiencing mental freedom, well-being and ease.

We will use mindfulness to investigate the nature of our experience: our morning will include periods of gentle mindful movement, seated and walking meditation, instructions for practice (dharma), Q&A, discussion and light snacks. We will practice silence in the supportive company of others. 

This retreat is designed as a ‘half-day intensive’ to complement the weekly meditation classes here at Stream (offered Wednesday evenings and Sunday mornings). However, you do not have to have attended these classes to come and enjoy the retreat.

This retreat is suitable for beginners and experienced meditators. It is an excellent place to start or re-start your practice.

Resting in Stillness
Half-Day Meditation Retreat
Sunday, February 5, 2023

Stream Yoga + Meditation
819 Weaver Road, Port Colborne, ON L3K 5V3

$60 (inc HST)
Only $48 (inc HST) for Monthly Members (see below)

Although there is a fee associated with this retreat, no one will be turned away for lack of funds. Please contact Heather at or by phone/text at 519.400.7862 if the fee is a barrier to your attending. You are welcome to join at a pay-what-you-can-afford rate.


Monthly Members (Unlimited and Monthly 5 Classes) receive a 20% discount on all Pre-registered Courses, Events and Workshops! Contact the studio when registering. Membershipmust remain/be active while the Course is in progress and/or at the time of the event.

If you are a Monthly Member, the Resting in Stillness retreat is only $48 (inc HST). Send an etransfer to with a note and we will add the event to your account.