The Yoga of Sleep: Yoga Nidra
Zondag, mei 28 • 3:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Heather Fenton
Please join us for a deeply relaxing afternoon of yoga nidra, led by visiting instructor Julie (Jaya) Boyse.

Yoga nidra is a guided practice of deep relaxation into the liminal space between waking and sleeping. It is a more efficient and effective form of physiological rest and rejuvenation than sleep! And it is an excellent doorway to drop-in to a meditative state.

The Yoga of Sleep: Yoga Nidra with Julie (Jaya) Boyse
Sunday, April 23, 2023

$30 (inc HST) In-Person or Online
Only $24  (inc HST) for Monthly Members (etransfer to with a note what it is for, pls)