The Dance Lab - 3Bodies Movement & Lights Out (1-2hrs) - $17 @ The Karuna Center
Mandag, april 22 • 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Nadine Lollino
Nadine Lollino is a yoga teacher, dance teacher, multimedia performance artist, costume designer and massage therapist. Her work focuses on somatic learning and reclaiming the sensation of movement and consciousness of the body as a way of being in the world. She lives at EarthLab33 and conducts the work of her MovementLab yoga and dance education efforts from there in Taos, New Mexico.
TRY one, the other, or BOTH the 3Bodies Movement and Lights Out!
1 hour of guided movement, 1 hour of free-form dance. Magic!
$17 for one, or both classes. You decide.
No need for prior experience in dance.

7-8pm GUIDED MOVEMENT - using different tools to work with the physical body, mental/emotional body, and spirit with the hopes of creating unity in the individual and recognizing our relationship to other. The class is guided in theme but the movements are improvised. Finding your own interpretation of the story work will deepen our communication with our body and creative, intuitive self.

8-9pm FREEFORM DANCE - class is followed by Lights Out, a freeform dance hour in a dimly lit room. This one hour freeform dance is a no talking, no shoes, dimly lit room, allowing a more introspective and uninhibited safe space to explore your moving body in rhythm and play.

LOCATION - The Karuna Center was formerly known as SPACE, and before that Shree.
Address: 112 Camino de la Placita
Near the Taos Plaza

Learn more about Nadine @

Example playlists can be found here: