Segunda-feira, 13 setembro • 09:15 - 10:15
Schoolstraat 28, Delft, womanhood studio
Tami Kalir
This class is for all levels, both men and women welcome!
Class in English / Dutch

Suitable for all ages, Yogalates is an excellent blend of Yoga and Pilates. This method is gaining popularity all over the world. Here are some of the benefits of Yogalates:

1. Increased body strength
Yogalates consists of 40 different poses that vary in their difficulty levels. On the whole, you have exercises that are of both low and high intensity. By engaging various muscle groups, these poses help you gain body strength. Yogalates also aids in lengthening the muscles and especially helps make your lower and abdominal back strong.

2. Enhanced flexibility
Even if you just do Yoga or Pilates, your body will benefit from enhanced flexibility. Imagine how effective will Yogalates be when it comes to body elasticity! You will be using everything from your arms, and legs to your neck and your back. All these different poses will help you stretch the various body parts and hence give you body flexibility.