Private Flow Child Yoga Session
Zondag, 29 mei • 10:00 a.m. - 11:15 a.m.
Organic Feast, The Lavendula Studio
Fyona Coulton
Fyona received her first 350HR certification in 2016 in Hatha Yoga, she has continued her education and experience by training in Kundalini, Yin Yoga, Kids Yoga, Pre-Natal Yoga, Meditation, Yoga Nidra, Reiki and Shamanic practices. Fyona runs regular classes, specialty workshops and local and international retreats.
Flow Child Yoga is based on the research of Dr Maxine Therese, a world renowned Child Psychologist.
Each session is energetically attuned to the uniqueness of your child…and you, their parent.
We may cover any or all of the following: -
-Finding ease within certain Yoga poses
-Individual Meditation teachings, such as Yoga Nidra or personal Mantra
- Pranayama (breathing techniques) to soothe and calm the nervous system
-Drumming and sound bowls to calibrate your vibration

The sessions are deeply intuitive and grounded in both the science and philosophy of traditional Yoga teachings.

Fyona Coulton is a 500HR+ Yoga and Meditation Teacher, Reiki Master Practitioner and Energy Healer.