Introduction to Meditation
Quinta-feira, 5 março • 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
The Inner Health Centre, The Studio
Fyona Coulton
Fyona received her first 350HR certification in 2016 in Hatha Yoga, she has continued her education and experience by training in Kundalini, Yin Yoga, Kids Yoga, Pre-Natal Yoga, Meditation, Yoga Nidra, Reiki and Shamanic practices. Fyona runs regular classes, specialty workshops and local and international retreats.
We are thrilled to welcome Vicki Laverick to Organic Feast to present this wonderful course.

This 4 week course will provide you with practical tips and techniques to get you started on your meditation journey.
Simple and effective Meditation techniques will be explored and practised each week. As you experience each technique you will integrate the experience.
Chairs are provided - you will be made comfortable :)

Vicki is a qualified and very experienced Meditation Teacher. Her level of dedication to this practise is truly humbling.

Our course will cover

-What is Meditation?
-Physical preparation
-Preparing the mind
-Prana and Pranayama (energy and breath)
-Yogic Philosophy
-Mantras and how to best use them
-Many styles of Meditation
-Pranayam techniques

Upon completion you will have all the tools you need to join Mediation groups and / or have a solid home practise.