ZONDAGSE - Hatha Yoga (Agata Bartoszek) 90 min.
Sonntag, 4 Dezember • 09:30 - 11:00
Silhouelle Nazareth
PUUR genieten! De zondag heeft iets magisch! Alles is stiller, alles is rustiger, alles mag kalmer,... herbron.

Kom en ervaar Hatha Yoga op zondag van 9.30u tot 11.00u (90minuten):
We werken in 5 lessen rond een thema, we groeien doorheen 5 zondagen.

Onderaan vind je alle data terug.

• Class teached in English.

De eerste 5 zondagen hebben als thema ‘flexibiliteit’ 5 lessen na elkaar zal Agata hier dieper op ingaan:

Let’s breathe and focus on soft flexibility!

Flexibility means that the muscles and joints in our body can move easier, without restriction or pain. Being more flexible, helping us to feel good in our body and improve our mobility. Becoming more flexible takes a lot of time, concentration, motivation and patience. But when we keep practicing, we become more strong. Not only physically, but also mentally.

Stretching and increasing our flexibility has a lot of benefits. Below, you can find some of them.

• Feel more calm. Releasing tension can help our body and mind feel more relaxed and stress-free.

• Feel less muscle tension. When we stretch our muscles, we are realising tension and tightness, which makes our movement much easier.

• Feel less pain. If our muscles are tense, they can be very painful. Improving our flexibility helps to release tension, which can lower pressure and stress in the areas of our back, neck and shoulders.

• Improved blood circulation. Flexibility can increase blood flow. Better blood flow can help with muscle recovery. It can also help to avoid the post-workout stiffness.

• Reduced risk of injury. When our body is more flexible, we can prevent injuries.

• Better posture. When we release the tension in the body, it can help to keep our posture correct and straight.

• Better balance. Improved balance helps reducing the risk of tripping over and falling down. Balance also makes us feel lighter on our feet.

During 5 Sundays, we will learn step by step how to give a nice soft stretch to our body and how to increase our flexibility. Every lesson will start with initial relaxation, then we will warm up our body with the breathing exercises. Then we will move to yoga poses, which will help to stretch our muscles and release the tension. Every lesson will finish with final relaxation which aims to calm our entire body and mind

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Voor iedereen toegankelijk.

• Why Hatha Yoga?
Hatha yoga is an ancient yoga practice with a combination of yoga poses (asanas) and breathing exercises. The word Hatha means “stubborn” and during practice we must be patient and also determined to keep the pose for 1-5 minutes, or step by step improve ourselves. During hatha yoga practice you can learn how to control your body and your mind. Hatha yoga helps to increase concentration, it brings balance to our emotions, improves the functioning of all body systems and improves our energy level.

• What dus Agata want to achieve witch teaching yoga?
By teaching yoga I would like to help other people to feel better physically and mentally. Yoga is not about how we look in the pose, but how we feel in the pose. It should be steady and comfortable for us. It is my goal to teach my students to find balance and to be motivated to improve in daily life. Every yoga session will end with relaxation and it is a perfect moment to connect with yourself and release the stress and tension all over the body and mind.

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Hatha Yoga op zondag van 9.30u tot 11.00u (90minuten): €125
Telkens in een vaste reeks van 5 zondagen:

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