Candle Lit Yang & Yindalini with Yoga Nidra_ Norlington Road Studios (Instructor replacement / Temporary Location)
Fredag, december 2 • 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM
66 Norlington Road, Norlington Road Studios
Tarin Heaton-Heather
This session will be guided by Tarin as Basia is away. The Yin part will include Feldenkris to help us move into depth of our postures, and the Yoga Nidra will be a guided symmetry visualisation to connect the left and right side of the body and brain.

A deep and meditative slow-to-stillness set to candlelight for a deeper wind-down followed by a guided meditation leading into a liminal altered state of consciousness. Based on Vedic teachings, a playful and tantric fusion inspired by Yin, Kundalini, and Primal Movement such as Scaravelli and Feldenkrais. Slowly moving the body into stillness, journeying through your edges whilst cultivating a sacred connection with your Higher Self. Followed by a guided Yoga Nidra.

Yoga Nidra is a pure tantric experience. This can be described as a guided meditation leading into a liminal altered state of consciousness. Yoga Nidra means conscious yogic sleep that promotes extreme relaxation and healing through traversing altered states of consciousness from our waking beta-wave brain state through to delta. This practice helps to minimize tension, inspire creativity, relax the body and mind, promote physical and emotional recovery as well as instil a feeling of deep harmony and peace within. In Yoga Nidra lucid sleeping is among the deepest possible states of relaxation while still maintaining full consciousness, whilst planting seeds of your heartfelt desires into the brain's most fertile state. Scientific research states that a 30-minute practice of Yoga Nidra can equal 4 hours of deep sleep in its restorative effect on the nervous system. It is also an excellent tool to speed up recovery and is very helpful in coping with stress. It has been scientifically proven to have a significant effect on improving the health of regular practitioners as well as subjects prone to cardiovascular diseases, tumours, stress-related disorders and burnout. Yoga Nidra is a method of inducing complete physical, mental and emotional relaxation.