🧘‍♀️ Gentle Yoga to Yin For All
Terça-feira, 14 fevereiro • 18:00 - 19:00
Lili Chen
Gentle Yoga & Yin For All – Windmill Hill Golf Centre

Slower, mindful and meditative gentle flowing movement – blending Gentle Yoga Flow, with elements of Yin and Restorative practices. Find space with mindful breathing or meditation to bring our focus inward.

Teacher: Lily
Blending Gentle Yoga with Yin Yoga practices to bring our focus inward and set the mood for peacefulness to end a busy day. Simply slow down and tune into your body and breath.

Suitable for All | Gentle Pace

What is Yin Yoga?
• Yin yoga uses passively held poses, typically for 3 to 5 minutes, to stimulate, align and unblock the bodies myofascial meridian energy pathways restoring Qi energy (prana) and calming the nervous system; bringing the mind, body and spirit back in to balance.
• Becoming still in a pose and staying for a while creates space, allowing sensations and often unconscious emotions to surface and release from your system. This way you clear the mind without getting caught up in the stories of those emotions.
• Yin yoga is especially for you if your energy levels are feeling depleted or you if are over-stimulated with your mind overactive or your energy levels erratic.