Winter Wellness Tai Chi Qigong & Yin Yoga Evening
Söndag, 18 december • 16:00 - 18:45
Lili Chen
Winter Wellness Tai Chi Qigong & Yin Yoga Evening – Transitioning to Winter

Join us for our Winter rebalancing Yin Yang practice of Tai Chi Qigong & Yin Yoga – finishing with Yoga Nidra (yogic sleep) to close the evening.

This busy time of the year can be so demanding and stressful for both the body and mind – through this evening we will release tension and stress, rest, and luxuriate in nourishing practices, to soothe and align the mind, body and soul, letting go of the year to bringing harmony for the new year and new possibilities ahead.

Lily will guide a fun, flowing Tai Chi and Yi Jin Jing Qigong practice to refresh our energies and nourish our souls, releasing stagnant Qi, stiffness and tightness through muscle, tendon and joint release. She will introduce Traditional Chinese Medicine health and wellness techniques to preserve health, and discover how to use simple acupressure points to help boosting the Qi and improve our immunity system.

Following will be a deep stretching Yin Yoga practice to restore Qi energy flow throughout the body, transitioning into a deeply relaxing 30 minute Yoga Nidra practice with David—also known as yogic sleep—a meditation and conscious relaxation practice that induces total physical, mental, and emotional relaxation.

Closing the evening with light refreshments a chat and farewells as our evening comes to a peaceful close.

Beginners welcome, suitable for everyone