Intermediate Vinyasa Flow - BELSIZE LIBRARY
Tisdag, 14 september • 18:30 - 19:45
Belsize Community Library
Charli Sklar
Class is held at Belsize Community Library.
£12 per class.

If you have expired credits from before lockdown message me to reactivate. or 07740300557 whatsapp only.

A faster paced dynamic vinyasa flow class. Suitable for students with at least 6 months regular yoga practice looking to challenge themselves further. Classes often include core work, arm balances, handstands, strong standing and balance poses and deep stretches.

Please read the information below if you are thinking about joining classes in the library.

Advance Booking only -  You will not be able to drop in if you have not booked beforehand. Online booking is open until the class start time. 
Capacity for the classes is 11 students, to ensure 2 metres between yoga mats.This works out as 6 floor squares so you can measure when you put your mat down.

Yoga Mat - please bring your own yoga mat, block and strap. 
Arrive on time - please don't come late to class. We need to have all the mats laid out before I start the class. The space will be available from 6.15pm, you are welcome to come from that time to help me move the furniture.

Mask Wearing - please wear a mask to enter the building and keep it on until you are sat on your yoga mat. You do not need to practice in a mask.

Sanitiser - is available on the desk as you walk in.

Track and Trace - as all classes are booked via my booking system, I will have records for track and trace.

Feeling unwell - do not come to class if you have symptoms of fever, sore throat, cough. If someone in your household has these symptoms do not come to class. If you test positive for Covid19 after taking a class with me, please advise me so that I can advise all students that attended the class you were in.

Adjustments - I will not be giving hands on adjustments in the class. I will be staying on my yoga mat at the front of the class. But I see everything! And will be giving individual verbal adjustments to you. 

It sounds a little scary, formal and so many rules! It will feel strange the first couple of times until we get used to the new way of practicing. But once you are on your mat, practicing your sun salutations, with the beautiful high ceilings, surrounded by books, covid19 will be the last thing on your mind.