Ashtanga Mysore Yoga Immersion for Newcomers - Opening Workshop
Lørdag, 4 september • 12:00 - 14:00
Bhumi Yoga
Maxi Meissner
Do you seek more focus and peace in body and mind?

We are happy to announce that we are finally offering our well-received 1 Month Immersion course to Ashtanga Yoga Mysore Style for newcomers again! Live, in person at our yoga school starting with the opening workshop on August 21 at12.00h!

What you receive (in the period of 4 September - 3 October):

-The Comprehensive Opening Workshop to Ashtanga Mysore (yoga philosophy, pranayama, foundations of posture practice). Date: 4 September, 12.00-14.00h, given by Maxi
-Unlimited Ashtanga Mysore classes
-1-on-1 guidance from an experienced yoga teacher
-Being part of an inspiring and supportive group of practitioners

We welcome all with a serious interest in yoga, personal growth, all who seek more space, peace and strength in body and mind to this special one month course. You need to be able to commit to joining our morning practice three times a week, a practice takes about 1h.

For whom:

- For total beginners to yoga - learning yoga through the Mysore style method is the best and safest way to start your yoga journey as you learn through 1-on-1 guidance of an experienced teacher, and practice is customized to your needs and capacity. It will just be "right". We really work with you, and we love that!

- For practitioners of other yoga styles who are either curious about Mysore Style, who want to practice towards daily (without pushing or overdoing) and/or who look for more depth in their practice.

No previous yoga experience is required. Everyone is welcome!

5 spaces are offered.

What others say about Mysore-Style yoga practice at Bhumi Yoga:⠀⠀⠀

"The individual attention in Mysore classes is a great way to build the practice as is good for you and your body. It helps me focus on my own needs and abilities without constant comparison with others around me. Maxi also pays a lot of attention to the balance between our yoga practice and the demands of our fast-paced daily lives." Sanne Hupkes

"What I value most about practicing yoga at Bhumi Yoga is the feeling of mental and energetic homecoming, the perfected adjustments, the consistent schedule and the clear instructions." Ravi Soekhai⠀
"You helped me build a yoga practice that I can do and take with me anywhere. I started to appreciate to learn something new from the bottom up and not compare myself to others. Yoga has become a mindset that goes beyond the mat." Nick Dowling⠀⠀

In case of questions, email us at