Uddiyana Bandha - The Lock That Unlocks with Adarsh Williams
Sunday, 6 February • 07:00 - 10:00
Bhumi Yoga Shala
Maxi Meissner
If you could only stretch one muscle, which would it be?

For the classical yogis, diaphragm flexibility through Uddiyana Bandha is the clear choice. The diaphragm “lock” helps normalize the other body systems, playing an essential role in overall well-being:
-Breath and posture
-Digestion and peristalsis
-Immune support (white blood cell production)
-Vagus nerve (mood, meditation, sleep, numerous others)

This workshop gets into the anatomy of Uddiyana Bandha, and takes actionable steps to immediately implement UB into your practice. Here, we’ll try various approaches to isolating the diaphragm, and offer support for beginners to this yoga cleansing practice.

Workshop Format:

- 30 minutes: Uddiyana Bandha as kriya (cleansing practice). Plus, steps to muscle isolation and Nauli (abdominal churning)
- 120 minutes - How Ashtanga Primary Series helps develop better UB.
- 30 minutes: UB Home Practice (with PDF), conclusion, Q&A

Workshops with Adarsh provide foundation training in traditional Ashtanga Yoga, including breath, movement, and meditation, in a fun, non-dogmatic environment, striving to make the practice relevant for modern yogis. Adarsh is renowned as a Yoga Anatomy expert, for his transformational hands-on adjustments, and his ability to offer greater context for yoga philosophy in everyday life.