Ashtanga Practitioners' Path: 6 Month Ashtanga Yoga Intensive for Ashtanga Lovers
Sobota, 14 januar • 09:00 - 16:00
Bhumi Yoga
This 6 months in-depth course is for all Ashtanga Lovers!

You are already practicing Ashtanga Mysore Style, your awareness of yourself on and off the mat is growing. New perspectives open, different questions arise and you seek to deepen your understanding and experience of the different aspects of yoga.

You may wish to:
- Safely start / progress through your kriya and pranayama practice
- Be inspired by the teachings of yoga philosophy and how they relate to your life on and off the mat
- Learn more about the subtle body
- Learn more about chanting
- Know how to use simple yet effective Ayurvedic self-care remedies to calm your nervous system
- Understand the benefits of yoga techniques (kriya, pranayama, asana).
- Feel steady and comfortable (sthira sukham) with what you are doing in your asana practice. Understand the principles of a safe practice physically, mentally and energetically. Moreover be able to adjust your practice safely given any life changes / circumstance.
- Deepen your perspective what is possible for you on and off your mat?
- Be part of an inspiring small group of yogis.

If you recognise yourself in the above, then this 6 month program is for you! In this 6 months program you will weave yourself deep into all aspects of yoga. The teaching provided and group experience will be an incredible support for your understanding and experience of your yoga, both on and off the mat.


This 6 months course is built around six comprehensive study days at the yoga school. We meet once a month during the period of January to June 2022. Each study day has a similar structure, yet in each day we progressively go deeper into our exploration of the 8 limbs of yoga in a light-hearted way.

To help you deepen your experience and feel as supported as possible during the course you:
- Will receive reflection questions after each study day. These questions will help you enrich your experience and understanding of the material we studied.
- Can always receive support from Maxi and ask questions.

Sample of a Course Day

9.00-9.30h Kriya & Pranayama
9.30-11.15h Mysore Style Practice or guided Led class
11.30-12.30h Break
12.30-13.00h Shanti Mantra and Sutra Chanting
13.00-16.00h Yoga Lab & Philosophy – In-depth exploration of yogic principles & techniques interwoven with applied yoga philosophy (with a small break around 14.15h)

Dates & Times:
Saturdays: 14 January, 11 February, 11 March, 8 April, 13 May, 10 June– all from 9.00-16.00h

(Here in Momoyoga only the first date, 16 January is listed and has to be booked to follow the full program. This is a comprehensive program, thus the program can only be booked as one. No single Sundays can be booked.)

Tuition: EUR 625

Read the entire description of the curriculum in the link.