Led until purvottasana - Theme: Breathe - continous into Mysore *Start at 7.00
Måndag, 20 september • 07:00 - 09:00
Bhumi Yoga
Maxi Meissner
coming Monday I offer a special ashtanga class beneficial for all Mysore practitioners! The aim of this class is to help you better connect and use the opposing patterns of inhale and exhale. Connecting to these patterns will allow you harness space and stability in your body and mind.


We start with a seated breathing practice and explore how the opposite physical patterns of inhale and exhale support one another within body and mind
We continue with a led Ashtanga practice, where I will lead you up to purvottasana. During the led part I will help you connect to the opposing patterns of breath during your asana practice, so you can feel more stable and spacious in body in mind. This part of class may be more workshop-style at times - come with an open heart to learn and experience!
After purvottasana everyone continues Mysore-Style
This practice is recommended and suitable for all Mysore practitioners. If you don't yet practice until puvottasana you can also join (and please do)!

This special class start at 7am sharp (at the yoga school and online).

If you are joining practice at the yoga school make sure to arrive no later than 6.57am. Late comers cannot be accepted.