Ashtanga Led Primary Series *Peter teaching
Venerdì, 30 ottobre • 07:00 - 08:30
Bhumi Yoga
Bhumi Yoga Team
Doors open at 6.45h. We start at 7.00 sharp together, so be there a bit earlier.
This class is for students who already practice in the Mysore style and not suitable for complete beginners. To join the led primary, one should have joined the Mysore classes at least for two weeks (3 times per week) at the shala prior to joining the led class - otherwise it doesn't really make sense.
In the led class you practice until where you usually practice in Mysore and then observe. So much is learned by observing.

The class is a great benefit to understand the energy of and harvest focus in the transitions between the state of an asana - this is often where we loose focus. How we get in and out a situation is very important for the situation and what develops from there.

Altogether a very beneficial and complementary class for the Mysore practice.

Practical information:

* You can leave your shoes/bag in the dressing room (unlike Mysore classes)

*It is required to wear a face mask until you have your mat set up and when leaving your mat after practice (thus wear a face mask when entering and exiting the yoga school).

* Before entering the practice space disinfect your hands in the kitchen and fill out the triage and put it at the front of the mat so the teacher can collect it.

* Wash your hands and go to the toilet at home before coming to the school.

* Only take to the school what you need.

* Come practice in clean clothes.

* Have a small clean hand towel with you for drying your hands and cleaning and a good size (as we sell at the school) clean towel for adjustments with you. If you don't want adjustments please let the teacher know - we absolutely respect your wish.

* Don't come to the school if you have any symptoms that can be linked to COVID-19 (fever, cough, runny nose), if anyone in your household has symptoms associated with COVID-19, you feel unwell or you doubt your health.

* Practice compassion towards yourself and others.