Yin & Restorative Yoga (Kim teaching)
Onsdag, 28 oktober • 17:30 - 19:00
Bhumi Yoga
Bhumi Yoga Team
Slow down your pace with this gentle practice. Deepen self-awareness & introspection, strengthen acceptance and detachment. Feel nurtured and safe. An advanced practice, yet accessible, suiable and beneficial for all.

Some of the benefits of Yin & Restorative yoga include:

- boosting immune function
- decreasing stress, balancing and soothing the nervous
system by active rest
- fascia release
- self-care
- increasing emotional well-being (benefitting grounding,
self-esteem, self-worth)
- increased somatic awareness

Yin and Restorative Yoga targets the interior, supportive structures, the fasciae, literally down to the bone marrow. In contemporary society, restorative / yin yoga is a soothing elixir to help us restore balance in our stress-filled, over-scheduled lives, where most of us ask and expect a lot from ourselves.

- Class starts at 17.30h sharp; doors open at 17.15h and close at 17.30h (no late comers accepted)

What you may need:
-yoga mat
-big towel (to put over bolster)
- good if you can bring an extra blanket
-eye pillow (alternative: something soft to cover your eyes, e.g. a scarf or eye mask)
-great if you can bring a pillow