Yin & Restorative Yoga - Online
Mittwoch, 28 Oktober • 17:30 - 19:00
Online - Bhumi Yoga
Maxi Meissner
This class is live-streamed from the yoga school, so you can enjoy it from the comfort of your home.

Yin & Restorative Yoga is a practice of slowing down and being - rather than doing -which is a true skill in our fast-paced, overachieving society. An advanced practice, yet accessible to all.

Some of the benefits of Yin & Restorative yoga include:

- boosting immune function
- decreasing stress, balancing and soothing the nervous
system by active rest
- fascia release
- self-care
- increasing emotional well-being (benefitting grounding,
self-esteem, self-worth)
- increased somatic awareness

Practical Info:

1. Register for this practice by 16.50h of the day of practice. About 30 min prior to class start you will receive all log-in info automatically. If you don't register by 16.50h, you won't receive class log-in details.

2. The teacher will be online from 17:25h onwards

3. CONNECT TO THE LIVESTREAM BY 17.28h so you are set up in time

4. You will be muted upon entering the class meeting

5. What you may need:
-yoga mat
-a blanket or two
-yoga blocks (if you don't have them, don't worry, make sure you have your blankets, we can work around the blocks)
-yoga strap (if you don't have one, no worries, I am sure you have a scarf at home
-bolster (alternative: you big blanekt for sleeping and posibly recruit a big pillow as well)
-eye pillow (alternative: something soft to put cover your eyes e.g. a scarf)