Chandra Krama - Moon Sequence - Online
Montag, 4 Oktober • 07:00 - 08:30
Bhumi Yoga
Maxi Meissner
All practitioners are welcome to join. Once a month instead of Mysore Yoga practice, Maxi will teach the Moon Sequence in the morning, an alternative Vinaysa Krama Sequence beneficial for all, and beneficial for all Mysore practitioners! PLEASE ALL JOIN!

Chandra Krama, or the Moon Sequence, is an alternative therapeutic Vinyasa Krama sequence accessible to students of all traditions.

It begins as a gentle vinyasa flow, moving slowly deeper relaxing and soothing the nervous system and helping you rebalance energetically, psychologically, and physically. Chandra Krama allows to introspect, honor and be present with what is instead of trying to get anywhere.

This sequence is suitable and beneficial for all levels of practitioners, adjustments to certain poses can always be made. Maxi is one of two teachers in the Netherlands certified by Matthew Sweeney to teach Chandra Krama.