Self Care Retreat: Chandra Krama - Nourish your body, mind & soul
Viernes, 30 abril • 19:00 - 21:20
Bhumi Yoga Virtual Shala
Maxi Meissner
Replenish the well-spring of energy that is oftentimes lost as we rush through the business of our days. Honor and be present with what is instead of trying to get anywhere.

You will leave this mini self-care retreat feeling deeply nourished in your physical, mental and energetic body.

In this workshop Maxi will guide you through the Moon Sequence, or Chandra Krama adapted for the evening hours. The practice begins as a gentle vinyasa flow, moving slowly deeper while bringing continuous awareness to the breath and inner sensations, relaxing and soothing the nervous system. This practice finishes with a series of nurturing restorative poses.

As this retreat in the evening hours this time, I will incorporate even more restorative and releasing aspects to it compared to when offered during the day, e.g. more time in seated poses with more anchors guiding you to release unneccessary tension from your body and mind; no active but only passive and restorative backbends.

For everyone who wants to feel:
- more calm instead of overwhelmed
- more present and at home in their body and mind
- rejuvenated after a busy work week
- more focused to live their best life possible
- more empowered

This workshop is suitable for all levels of yoga practitioners.

*Maxi is one of two teachers in the Netherlands certified by Matthew Sweeney to teach Chandra Krama.

This mini self-care retreat requires props:
- a bolster (you can also roll up a big blanket)
- some blankets
- blocks (or sturdy books of the same height)
- a strap (or a scarf)
- a eye pillow (or a scarf)

- This workshop will be live streamed over zoom.
- You will reeive an email with the meeting ID and password about 30 minutes prior to the workshop. Make sure to sign up at least 35 minutes prior to the workshop.
-Upon joining the online meeting you will be muted to reduce noise.