How to Motivate Your Yoga Students to Keep Them Focused
We all know that acquiring new yoga students is easier as compared to retaining them. Many yoga students with time get tired and begin skipping yoga classes. They will always find suitable excuses for their absenteeism.
When you value your yoga students and always want to know how they are doing and their families, they will feel that you are part of them.
How are you going to retain everyone that comes in? How are you going to make them list your yoga lessons among their essentials? Read on to find ways on how you can build never-ending relationships with your yoga students!
Begin By Making Bonds
Everybody wants to be loved and taken care of! Treating people with love will have a big impact on your business. When you value your yoga students and always want to know how they are doing and their families, they will feel that you are part of them!
Here are some of the things you need to do to begin making bonds immediately:
Call everyone by their names
Always remember to make introductions whenever you get a new yoga student. Don’t forget their names.
When you call them with their names, it develops a good environment for interaction and they will feel you care and value them. This will bring them back.
Ask how you can help through Yoga
After knowing their names, dig deep and find why the student needs yoga. What are they after? How can you help them attain that?
By doing this, you will always make them know that you are a very important source for them! This will make them feel that you want the best for them and you are willing to help them achieve their goals. This act of kindness will never go unrewarded! They will always come back for suggestions on how they can attain their goals!
Listening to their opinions will make them feel that you are ready to accept the changes and adjustments they need.
Ask for feedback
You can do this by setting up polls and surveys on your yoga studio. Every yoga teacher wants to ensure that their yoga students are satisfied and happy with everything they offer.
Before you end your lessons, ensure that you give time for your students to give suggestions on how to make the lessons better and lively. Listening to their opinions will make them feel that you are ready to accept the changes and adjustments they need. This will make them comfortable.
Always be happy and friendly
A smile is enough for someone to approach you and seek help. Always be happy and friendly to your yoga students.
Ensure you use a happy tone when conducting your yoga lessons. This will make everyone focused and motivated.
Accept Everyone Who Needs Yoga
Physical fitness is one of the goals for yoga. As a yoga teacher, you need to understand that not everyone is physically fit.
Accept every student at any level, even when he or she is a beginner and know nothing about yoga. Nurture your students. Take them through each process time by time until they finally master the moves.
Don’t make the lessons so difficult that one leaves in pain. If you do so, one or two may not come back. If someone fails to attain a certain posture today, offer other easier moves that can make him or her attain the moves tomorrow!
Correcting new students too much in front of everyone will lower their ego. This will embarrass them and they may not come back. Understand your new students.
Seasonally Offer Discounts and Promotions
What are some of the things you need to do to motivate your students outside the mat? Try these:
Set up a rewards program
A reward program is a system used to motivate your yoga students to stick to your yoga studio. This makes many students happier and loyal.
You can reward when a new student signs up for classes, invite a friend, promote your yoga studio in social media, or any other action that you need. Once they hit a given threshold, they can redeem the points for awards!
Offer Stacked Discounts
Another way you can motivate your students to keep them focused is by rewarding them when they sign up for several classes. You can offer 25% for next classes when a student finishes five sessions in a row.
Similarly, you can sell multiple classes at a lower rate as compared to single classes.
Provide Extra Resources
Motivate your yoga students to keep them focused by providing extra resources in your studio. Here are some of the things you can do:
Keep your students connected by building an online community
Make it a family and remain connected with your students by building a community online. This will help you announce your offers and update them daily. This may be a closed Facebook group or any that your students prefer.
Provide useful online content
Yoga students are keen on their diet to make them physically fit. They need useful information! Build a simple nice website using WordPress and provide weekly posts to keep them engaged and motivated! You can even sell products and promote videos thus benefiting from this!
Final Words
There is no shortcut to lure yoga students. Keenly try the above-mentioned ways and with time, you will notice the sudden change in your students and your business will grow!
A reward program is a system used to motivate your yoga students to stick to your yoga studio.
Keeping your students motivated and focused will retain them and soon the number of your students will begin ballooning! Remember this takes time to achieve.