Why Yoga Teachers Should Use Studio Management Software?

Every yoga studio needs to set up efficient processes in order to conduct essential tasks (like managing client lists, scheduling classes, taking attendance, selling and tracking yogi passes, etc). There are various ways you could accomplish those tasks.

For example, if you have a relatively small yoga studio, you may want to take reservations online. Selling passes online enables you to free up time at the beginning of each class and also encourages your students to pay upfront for multiple classes as opposed to dropping in once in a while.

When you're just getting started, it is best to go with the simple and inexpensive way. And paper punch cards are cheap. But on the other hand, you need to prepare yourself to grow as well. So instead of drowning yourself in an ocean of punch cards and paper lists within 2 months, use a yoga studio management software, like Momoyoga. It is cost-friendly and efficient (for small and big studios alike).

This article will specifically cover the benefits of using a studio management software like Momoyoga to enable students to sign up for and pay for classes online; as opposed to using punch passes to manually track and report attendance. 

Punch Cards Really Aren't the Way Forward for Your Studio

Punch cards may seem simple and convenient but you miss out on valuable opportunities by using them. They could hinder any efforts to foster profitability and brand-building customer loyalty. That is because punch cards aren't only used by yoga studios. They are used by fast food establishments and soft serves to build customer loyalty.

Interestingly, according to First Data Competitive Intelligence’s “Consumer Loyalty Study,” 50 percent of consumers who were part of fast food rewards programs said that the program used punch cards. They found that the stacks of punch cards simply accumulate in people’s wallets; and that makes the stores the punch cards come from seem generic and interchangeable. The same logic applies to yogi punch cards.

Simply put, yogi punch cards are not the best way to build loyalty. And we’re sure you understand how important loyalty is to a yoga studio, particularly one that's just starting up. 

Momoyoga App

Use Yoga Studio Management software

Take Attendance In Just One Click. Taking class attendance should be easy and quick. Momoyoga understands that. The software is designed to enable you to take attendance fast - in just one click.

They also understand that you should be able to know right away if a student needs a pass and if they do, you should be able to handle it immediately. Using the software, you will quickly find out if a student needs a pass. You can also add new students and assign new passes pretty fast so you can get back to taking attendance.

You can use the Momoyoga App on your phone or tablet. That's right - you don't need a computer to take attendance. You can also put away that sheet of paper. Simply use any mobile device or tablet and you're good to go.

Perhaps use your iPad as a kiosk so customers can check themselves in? This will give you precious time to attend to other important matters, like welcoming new students and building relationships, before a class begins. 

View Customer History

Everything you need to know about a customer’s history: from contact information, healthy history to referral source and more is available through Momoyoga’s yoga studio management software.

Indeed, that is the main benefit of digital punch cards and passes over the physical yogi punch passes: you can see your student’s history at a glance.

For example, you will be able to see when they purchased their pass, when their pass expires, how many punches they have left, etc. You can also see previous attendance history and expired passes. You can view this data from the Attendance page so you can answer student queries fast. 

Sell Passes Online

Wouldn't it be nice and convenient to give your students the option of purchasing digital punch cards and memberships online? It would indeed be nice for both you and the students. You can spend less time concerned about payments at your studio and your instructors don't have to handle cash. (Handling payments at your studio only makes it harder for you to balance the books and track income at the end of each month.)

Momoyoga is integrated with PayPal, visa, MasterCard and Stripe, which is one of the Pioneers of online payments around the world and also the most convenient to use. Furthermore, Momoyoga’s checkout process is mobile optimized so students can purchase passes quickly and conveniently.

The software is built for you to create and sell passes and membership models that fit your studio or yoga practice. 

Communicate with Your Students

It's also nice to be able to email your students right from the software. The main benefits of that are that you can provide great customer service quite easily and automate email reminders to students who are due for new passes. 

Wrapping Up

A yoga management software should be easy to set up and use. If it is too complicated, like MindBody’s software, you may need to spend hours training yourself and your instructors to use the software.

Your yoga business has the potential to become a powerfully positive part of your students’ lives. Momoyoga is a simpler and easier way to manage your yoga classes, bookings, payments and yogis all in one place. Try Momoyoga 14 days for free
Fatou Darboe
Fatou Darboe is a digital marketing consultant with an avid interest in yoga. When not online, she seeks out good cups of green tea and travels anywhere and everywhere.

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