Expand your horizons

Being a yoga teacher is so much more than teaching. You bring together a community and make them feel part of something bigger. You allow them to reach a state of pure bliss. And with our Summer release, you can take your offerings one step further.


Momoyoga Events

Build new connections with your yogis as well as strengthen existing ones. You can now create unique events with Momoyoga, seamlessly integrated into your schedule. From sunny retreats to full moon circles, your yogis are on the lookout for profound experiences and shared connections.

From retreats to masterclasses: the sky’s the limit

Host a sun-kissed retreat in the Bahamas or Portugal. Hold space in an exquisite yoga workshop. Guide your yogis through a unique mindfulness course. Whatever the masterclass, Momoyoga events will help you stand out.

Paying for an event has never been so easy

Your yogis can pay for your event in one smooth step with our newly introduced ticketing system. Ready, set, go. It’s time to get creative!

What unique experience are you going to create for your yogis?

Share your upcoming event on social media with the hashtag #momoyogaevents, and we’ll be sure to repost it for further visibility.


Bring your practice to life

Add exquisite images to reinforce your visual identity: Bring your unique personality and style to the forefront with Momoyoga.

   A picture is worth a thousand words

Go beyond static descriptions and engage with your yogis through visuals that speak to their hearts and desires.

See what’s coming up

We're committed to enhancing the experience for both teachers and yogis. That's why we're introducing another seamless feature: Next booking. When your yogis next log in to Momoyoga, they will see their upcoming class on the schedule or teacher page.

Ready to expand your horizon with your yogis?

Momoyoga is the home for every yoga teacher. Everything you need to organize your teaching and make a great impression. We look forward to connecting with you.