Autumn Equinox Workshop
Samstag, 21 September • 09:30 - 13:00
Santosa Yoga Studio
Joanna Cole-Hamilton
A yoga and intention setting workshop to celebrate the Autumn Equinox.

As the darkness arrives, we can use the autumn equinox as an opportunity to take stock of all we have in our lives. Autumn is the time of harvest - a time of abundance. We can consider this the harvesting of the fruits of our effort over the year that has gone by - a chance to take stock of all we have, love and appreciate in our lives. As the long summer days make way to longer winter nights, we begin to turn inwards - both gravitating towards home and also turning inward within ourselves as well. We have more time for contemplation, and consideration of all we'd like to grow and develop over the coming season.
What will you begin to cultivate over this autumn season? What are all the wonderful things present in your life? When was the last time you took stock?

Join us to celebrate the autumn equinox, practice yoga, and set your intentions for the autumn season.