Winter Solstice Workshop
Lista de espera
Sábado, 11 janeiro • 09:30 - 13:00
Santosa Yoga Studio
Joanna Cole-Hamilton
A workshop to celebrate the mid winter and to help you not only survive the darkness of the coming months but to thrive in it.
We'll explore the darkness and the slowly returning light through our yoga practice, embodying the themes of being with our own darkness in kind, compassionate ways.
Next, we'll do some guided journalling, helping you identify what was beneficial in the last year and what you need to let go of to be able to move forward in healthy ways. This will lead us into intention setting - an opportunity for you to set your intentions for the coming months as we move towards the light again. What do you want to achieve this new year? How would you like to feel?
This is a small, friendly group of people all doing this work individually and privately, but together in a supportive environment.

This is a popular workshop and usually sells out so please book early!