New Moon in Gemini
Domenica, 24 maggio • 18:00 - 19:30
Joanna Cole-Hamilton
Gemini! Mutable, flexible, adaptable and ruled by Mercury so all about communication. How to find your 'voice' at this time.

Our yoga practice will consider the throat chakra - how we can open the throat chakra and free our communication channels.

We'll follow this with some journaling questions for example: In what ways are we blocking communication? How can we find new ways to communicate in this time and how can we speak up about our ideas? Can we make sure that we are still able to have meaningful conversation when it's not face to face?

Gemini is represented by the twins and is connected to the nervous system so we'll consider how we can find balance between engaging in communication (online mostly just now) without putting stress on the nervous system and tipping into anxiety.

We finish with intention setting - setting a few intentions for the month to come to that you are putting your energy towards the things that matter most to you.

These workshops are via Zoom and open to anyone with an interest in understanding themselves better. Please join us!

Please have your yoga mat, and a pen and notebook for journalling/intention setting.

This is a tricky time financially for many and so our workshops are currently offered on a pay as you wish basis. Full price is £18 (if you are able to pay this we appreciate it). Reduced price is £10 (no questions asked). Or if you already attend Joanna's yoga classes you can pay as part of your monthly subscription.
There are also a few free spots available as well - again on a no questions asked basis.