New Moon in Leo Workshop
Domenica, 16 agosto • 18:00 - 19:30
Joanna Cole-Hamilton
Leo - king of the jungle! The sign associated with courage, bravery and passion.
We'll explore the themes of Leo in our yoga practice and journalling so that we can set intentions using Leo's courage and bravery.
Leos are leaders - where do we need to take leadership in our lives? What does inspired action towards our intentions look like?
Sometimes what we need to bring our intentions into being is a drop of courage to take a leap of faith. Where in our lives do we need to be brave?
A king serves his people, so where can we be of service to others with our creativity?
We'll look to Leo's energy for the courage, bravery and passion in our hearts that we need to birth new things.
Various prices available - from £18 to some freebie options.
Online workshop via Zoom (the link will be sent out to those who have booked 30 minutes before the workshop starts).