Bringing Your Intentions to Life - Opening Session
Sábado, 17 outubro • 20:00 - 20:45
Joanna Cole-Hamilton
What in your life that would benefit from a month of focus? A habit you are trying to cultivate? An intention you are working with? A project that matters to you that you want to finish?
Join me and Sara for a one month course to bring your intentions to life. We'll follow the cycle of the moon through its phases, looking at how we can live in alignment with the lunar cycle and use its energy to bring our intentions to life.
You'll receive journalling prompts, guided meditation, and a yoga practice for each lunar phase. We'll gather together at the beginning of the cycle, at the full moon for a little check in, and at the end of the cycle.
There will be a printable workbook and daily check in prompts to keep you on track.
We begin under the Libra new moon - come and join us and live less out of habit and more out of intention!