Why Online Yoga Classes Are Here to Stay

Online Yoga. Who would have thought these two words would fit together? Who could imagine that online yoga classes would be a thing? Yet, the turn of events that turned our lives upside down during the past year, has introduced a new, virtual reality for yoga as well. 

Yoga studios all over the world have seen major changes since the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak. With the entire fitness industry shutting down overnight and with uncertainty about the future in the air, there seemed to be only one option; adapting to change. 

Adapting meant letting go of any doubts and any “I can’t do it” or “This won’t work” attitude, and going online. No second thoughts.

Today, one year after – having experienced online yoga and with some yoga studios around the world slowly reopening – we are about to find out what the next day will be like.

One thing is for sure. What started out as a necessary evil for many, is now here to stay. The question really is “to what extent”.

Follow me as I share my thoughts on how yoga classes will look like in the post–COVID-19 era. And let’s start thinking about where we want this new era to find us. 

Onsite: The Next Day

Yoga studios will eventually open their doors once again. Yogis will start coming back. But the scene will most likely be quite different. There’s little to no chance things will go back to exactly how they were before. So, let’s have a look at all the possible changes. You’re probably already discussing them with colleagues and co-practitioners. 

First of all, the classroom’s capacity will most likely remain limited. Even if there is no regulation stating so, many people won’t feel comfortable attending a crowded class - at least at the beginning. Or finding themselves in a place where keeping a minimum distance from one another is not possible. So, adding marks on the floor for the exact positions where every yogi should place their mat is quite a possibility.

With online yoga, zero distance and travel time is required, in order to arrive at a studio at a certain time. One can practice conveniently from their own place at a time that best suits their schedule.

At the same time, many yogis will highly likely not feel comfortable using the studio’s equipment either. And most yoga studio owners would  prefer to avoid taking such responsibility. It’s, therefore, safe to say that we can kiss shared mats and props goodbye. After all, most people have already bought their own over the past few months.

Another thing we might have to say goodbye to is hands-on adjustments. We as yoga teachers have always had to be careful when using them. Now there’s one more reason why we need to ask for our yogis consent. 

When it comes to how onsite yoga will look like as we slowly go back to “normality”, there will also probably be little to no use of lockers and showers in the beginning. And we should probably take for granted that yogis will have to book their seat online ahead of time. And that there will be less hugs after class too. 

With all these in mind, studio owners will most likely choose to continue offering online classes. And yogis will most likely continue to support them. 

Online: Here to Stay

With everything shifting to digital mode more and more every day, it was only a matter of time for online yoga classes to also appear and blossom. And what might have started as an experiment was soon embraced by practitioners all around the world.

Let’s have a look at the reasons why.



Practicing yoga at a studio and being part of its community surely has its benefits. It can be rather inconvenient, though, for many yogis to plan their day around the yoga classes they are interested in. 

Even the ones that were apprehensive with online yoga classes at first, may have now realized how efficient practicing at home can be – how easy it is to commit to your practice no matter if you’re a morning bird or a night owl. You can literally be laying on your couch, watching your favorite series, and the next minute have your leggings on and warm up on your mat.

With online yoga, zero distance and travel time is required, in order to arrive at a studio at a certain time. One can practice conveniently from their own place at a time that best suits their schedule.  


Over the past year, online classes have come to introduce yoga even to people who so far felt intimidated to enter a yoga studio.

Beginners and advanced practitioners, people of all ages and sizes that might have felt that yoga wasn’t really accessible for them, now actually feel welcome. They have the space to establish a true relationship with our beloved practice without worrying about having to change any aspect about themselves.


The abundance of alternatives that are available online at the moment really offers yogis a great amount of freedom. You might be in a different time zone and still be able to practice with all your favorite yoga teachers in the comfort of your own home. At the same time, this has created an opportunity for us yoga teachers to reach out to a larger audience.

Going online, modern-day yogis have access to all different kinds of yoga classes and workshops. They can choose between teachers from all over the world they might never get the chance to practice with otherwise. And who doesn’t love choice? 


Online yoga classes have introduced a different way to stay connected to the yogic community. We might not be sharing the same room with our students and co-practitioners. But it somehow feels like they have opened up their homes and invited us over. And this kind of connection is really powerful.

Final Thoughts

What exactly the post-COVID-19 era will look like remains to be seen. The only thing that is for sure, is that this massive shift to the online world has created a new reality that is here to stay. So, online yoga classes and workshops will most likely remain a part of our daily lives too.

It’s up to us to decide whether we’re going to go with the flow and see this as an opportunity to grow and evolve!

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Magda Chatzinaki
Magda Chatzinaki is a writer and yoga teacher, on a mission to spread the bliss! She believes that there is great joy in the little things in life. When she’s not writing or practicing yoga, she’s probably somewhere biking, enjoying nature or hanging out with her loved ones.

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